Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Spirit, Soul, Mind, and Body: The Metaphysics of Human Life by Abdullah Al Moinee

Spirit, Soul, Mind, and Body: The Metaphysics of Human Life
Abdullah Al Moinee

Exigency of eternal essence navigates the nature of life by means of an integral inherence. Integration of spirit, soul, mind, and body designs the metaphysics of human life aiming towards the core of singularity. The singularity sustains the harmony of the human spirit (pneuma) perceiving the spiritual insight. The instinctive insight is capable of creating a congruence, consisting of the sustenance of sixth sense. The sensible sustenance of spirit connects conscientiously with the soul (psyche) for natural navigation through imagination and conscience possessing a peer personality. The soul consists of the conscious, subconscious, and unconscious realms modeling the manuscript of mind in where emotional intelligence, logical reasoning, and pivotal psychology activate the dimension. Spirit, soul, and mind are ordained unitedly to be centered on which a divine circle is drawn and the circumference is the body (soma) of the human being to devote and decode the universe utilizing the center potential of spirit, soul, and mind.

Human life is a process of perpetual eternity. The first day of a fetus reflects the presence of the spirit in the womb. The blessings of the birth path the way of the soul to sail towards the shore of life. The mind catalyzes the brain of the body to map the way out. Time is going on incessantly at every single moment of life. The body is blessed and utilized for a certain period through the infinite voyage of spirit. The spiritual simplicity meets during the day of death when the mind merges with the soul returning to be superposed on the singularity of spirit. Spirit is the dimension of life which deals with the spiritual realm and excellence of eternal aspects. The aspects are to be reminisced and trusted by the philosophy of soul and mind. Soul sustains and nurtures the mind which deals with the psychological premises. The philosophy and psychology together work for the body to drive the physical phenomena.

Human being is a spirit who possesses a soul and lives in a body. Spirit is the element that represents the essence of the universe and nature coherently which is an incorporeal but ubiquitous, non-quantifiable substance, or energy, sustained individually by all living things. According to the theology and science, it sustains the eternal energy to lighten the soul, mediate the mind, and bless the body to breathe. In this sense, one’s spirit is the reason for which the body is alive implying consciousness, intelligence, and sentience. The primary basis of spiritual belief is originated from the tenacity that the spirits connect to form a greater unity, oneness along with a quotient greater than its elements, towards an ultimate, unified, non-dual awareness, and a single presence, lightening each pathway of consciousness for soul and life. The spirit is the inner intuition which unconditionally illuminates the labyrinth of life irrespective of the earthly entities. The divinity of spiritual gravitation affiliates an affinity in nature so that the body can glean the escape velocity for the spirit to leave along with the soul stepping onward for eternity after completing the journey by the earth.

When the spirit breathes into the air, the body becomes a living soul. The inborn intelligence of life is reflected by the synergy of the soul. The soul is the intellect that human nurtures numinously and sustains with psychological philosophy. Sense, sensibilities, wish and will are dealt in this dimension. The soul, in many religious, philosophical, and mythological traditions, is the integral essence of a living being. The mental abilities of a living being: reason, character, feeling, consciousness, memory, perception, thinking are the functions of the soul. The hormonal and immune systems are stimulated activating the conscious and subconscious minds by dint of shrining soul which is energized by the spirit and energize the mind and body to conquer the realm of resolutions. The resolutions refract the urge to do something with our body serving the world, remembering that humans are for humanity. To live in our body is a living sacrifice. This inborn sacrifice is the script written to make human conscience stepping for the next with a meditative mind.

The mind is a designed program based on an individual’s language of the soul, the direction of the spirit which is fueled by the force of works done by the individual. Thus, mind denotes a set of cognitive perception, judgment, language, and memory, an entity of thoughts and consciousness. The power of infinite imagination and radical recognition are functioned by the mind, catalyzed by the soul, processing the emotional intelligence, resulting in actions, aptitude, attitude, and gratitude to renew with the harmony of the spirit. The meditative manifestation motivates the mind to connect the soul and spirit simultaneously that create the conscientious cognition and courageous congruence for gleaning and growing the positive energy and keen knowledge. The conscious mind is the realm in where our tenacious thinking and logical reasoning are processed. The sub-conscious mind is the inner kingdom in where the deep touch of perception penetrates through the spirit. The fundamental force emerged by the two realms generates the ability to differentiate the right and wrong connecting the experiences extracting from the brain. The mind constantly communicates the body conceiving the soul and spirit, perceiving the urge of earthly survival. Body is a biological and organic identity which consists of carbohydrates, protein, and fats. Our body contains our nervous system with nerves and the brain. It’s through our bodies that we connect to the physical world with our five senses: sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. The body is the shelter for us for living in the earth and contributing to the unified essence of our universe. If one can connect and integrate the elements of life: spirit, soul, mind, and body then positive energy flows awakening the land of life. In this case, the brain of the body needs to function shielding the domination effect of emotional conundrum by logical reasoning of life on the basis of soul and spirit.

According to the scripture, the spirit has a purpose regarding the life given in this earth. The purpose resonates every present moment of mindfulness. The integration of every moment one inhales and exhales to exist will make the future by default according to the step one takes in, whether it is positive or else. During any of our deed, a calm, patient, pacified heart and self-control is needed if one is to glean a good result. It is a universal truth that the present fuels to make the future. Integration of the moments which are vivacious in the present restores the dispersed mind into a point of singularly, questing the quintessence of soul, flowing towards the core of spirit, in where one can feel the near vibe of the universe, nature, and the omnipresent. The unified vibe of vivacity always takes responsibility for designing the future where belief is the design engineer to make the very present moment significant. The metaphysics of human life can be the potential prescription given by the universe, only if, one can meditate decoding the origin of the universe which flows inside the sense. Then it is possible to get the vibe how body (material), mind, soul, and spirit function simultaneously as a singular point of perception from which the universe has emerged and to which we are going onward with invincible, indomitable, and infinite truth of tenacity.

Spirit transcends the freedom to the soul for functioning to imply the mind and brain. The integral philosophy helps all positive energies sustaining the freedom fervently functioning for excavating the wisdom of vital virtues as the healing power for the physical existence. The secretion of virtuous fuel is led by the functional faith which aids to give the solution to any physical problem holistically. The root of anything is the robust ground to be healed, harvested, and harmonized. In order to generate the progressive, positive wave of resonance one needs to meditate with mindfulness, perceiving the breath, pathing towards mind, sensing the soul, creating a free path without any viscosity, transporting the phenomena towards a horizon of event in where the first principles of life, existence, identity, time, and space will be signified by the singular sense of spirit, soul, mind, and body.

In search of spiritual life, one needs to nurture and sustain the essence of own existence, searching the connection of a concentrated point in where the meaning of birth and death merge together to an infinite extent. Any kind of meditation is to be maintained purposefully by being fervently filtered with determination and dedication. Human being is still standing at the shore of mindful meditation. The shore is to be walked alone resembling the route of return, having a very minute moment in this earth. Everyone needs to urge and let the body, mind, and soul practice the weaving walk with the will to write own path of serenity, simplicity, infinity, and spirituality.

Belief: The Elixir of Life by Abdullah Al Moinee

Belief: The Elixir of Life
Abdullah Al Moinee

Universe unifies the urges of soul positively to perceive the presence of pivotal pathway leading through the land of life. The joule of journey is fueled by the harmonized exigency and essence of belief. Belief is the elixir of life achieving the invincible philosophy with a view to propelling the radiant ray of eternal entity. The enviable entity sustains the synergic strength to be superposed with the nature favorably conceiving the illumined patience and conscientious belief of eternal unity. 

Each of the existence in the nature is a universe of atoms and an atom of universe. Belief of mind functions as an enzyme which can design the domain in where the field of atoms can be rectified positively to reach the right shore successfully. The more belief is strong, the more the probability approaches to unity. The singularity of the united approaches of all atoms aids to create the celestial environment merging the universe and the nature waving the wish and will of mind. Thus, the positive thoughts of neurons will go forth by the same amplitude of nature at a favourable rhythm and so the output will be magical that creates a radical resonance. The resonance will then merge with the illumination of soul originated by the magic lamp: Belief. 

Belief is the philosopher’s stone that capable of turning any positive urge to glean from the universe and nature. The firm faith on any step gives the precise perfection to propagate the neural signal of thoughts as the command of the universe. Every step of life has to have something positive aspect to go on. Even a dead clock shows the right time twice a day. So, one should have the firm faith in the designed nature by which he will reach the best paths of life fervently. The oneness of the almighty sets the divine deeds for each soul on which everyone should think the best of everything. The unified universe and numinous nature will manage the rest of remaining by the best of sparkling blessings. 

The sparkling blessings are structured to flow the gravitational wave of will in where nothing negative exists. When the wish and will of soul is positive enough to create a resonance in the premises of paradise, the ardent and altruistic answers to the prayer regarding the wish sustains three positive responses: accepted; yet to be accepted on the basis of ascending belief; believe that the soul deserves better than your urges. When the patience reaches the apex of amplitude by dint bold belief, the response is reflected as a mirror image of the very devoted desire. One needs to believe till the day of derivation nurturing the naïve and determined dedication. 

The pinch of a single negative thought builds an opaque and obscure wall between existence and nature. If anyone trusts any source, he learns from then it would be easier to extract the knowledge from the source with simplicity. The truest trust shows the apt relevant of reverence to the oneness of positivity. Only the positive patience and tenacious trust can make the wall transparent and decrease the distance between goal and soul. The omnipotent will guide the soul only on the altitude of belief. The ascending amplitude of belief and gracious gratitude to life stimulates a secretion of healing hormone. The healing hormone is the vital vibe that renews the vigor of robust reflection of the almighty, universe, and nature. The robust reflection approves the aspiration because of being the best and every aspects of this nature flows towards the best leeway of life. 

The labyrinth of life is webbed by problems and complexities which are instinctively imposed by the numen of nature. The complication and convolution catalyzes the ways to be adapted, experienced, and confident. In order to be catalyzed, one needs to take every moment very positively whether it is favorable or not. The catalyst creates the conscience that directs the life through the path out of pain gaining the goal with the belief of intuitive invigoration. The intuitive invigoration capable enough to extract the happiness from the ore of labyrinth. 

There is nothing vulnerable that destroys the body like worry and stress do. Stress and worry are derived from the vacillating belief. The moment anyone worries, he is deprived of making the prayer with complete concentration and precise perfection. Negativism is reserved for the distressed and diseased den of mind which tries to hallucinate whose aim is to manipulate the map of divinity. The omnipresent spirituality signals to connect our neuron turning our gesture into an action, only if, the gesture is good enough to be positive, perceived, conceived, and believed. The more one believes positively by being strong emotionally, the more immune system works against the stress hormone and negativism efficiently. 

Belief, patience, and prayer functions together to shape the world and sustain the universe. The values, metaphysics of moral, and the framework of life all are built on the basis of the belief. Belief is the elixir that escalates the earth to an equilibrium that is being balanced by courage, confidence, clarification, dedication, determination, navigation, and gratification. The peer peace of pacified psychology depends deeply on the positive belief in each of our breathing that bestows the blessings for the soul, mind, body, and life.